
Freelance Writing Rates Per Word 2021

The following tools will allow you to calculate a total or partial cost of your writing, editing, or translation orders based on their total price, price per word, and a total word count. You may also reverse the process and estimate a total number of words needed to match a total price or price per word!

IMPORTANT: Please use a dot (eg. 0.26, NOT 0,26) for decimal numbers!

When purchasing a paper or using freelance writing services, you expect to get your monies worth, while the freelance writer wants to be paid a fair rate. Traditionally, freelance writers are paid by the page. The problem with this approach is every freelance writing service or freelance writer charges differently which can make it hard to determine an accurate cost. Charging per word provides an accurate measurement for the freelance writer and the customer. Freelance writers, editors, and translators provide a valuable service but to make sure the price is always accurate and fair, customers should be charged per word.

Word Price Cost

Pricing Freelance Writing Work

Pricing writing, editing, and translation services should be a simple processes but it is not. The freelance writer provides well-researched, custom content but the customer will be charged different rates. When there is no accurate method for calculating the cost for these services, the price range will vary. The customer is faced with the uncertainty of determining what price is fair for the service. By charging the customer per word, the cost will be clear and the uncertainty will be eliminated.

The best approach is to employ the use of a price per word calculator. Customers can estimate the costs of their project by entering the type of work and the number of words needed. The use of the price per word calculator will establish a uniform approach to charging customers for freelance writing, editing, or translating services. Though this approach, customers receive an accurate price while the freelance writer receives a fair rate. Other approaches, such as charging per page or by the hour, can be costly and result in a much higher cost for the customer.

Why Price per Word is More Accurate than per Page

Price per word is more accurate than price per page because the number of words that fit on a page can differ. While 300 words per page should be the standards, this is not always the case. The required number of word per page is dependent on the writing service. Credible freelance writing services require a minimum of 300 words per page but other services will establish a minimum word count closer to 250 words. The cost differences can be drastically different when the customer is charged per page. Charging per word will ensure the customer always receives a fair price.

When using a reputable freelance writing service customers can base their calculations on a 300 word page. Popular writing services, such as Essay Forum, require their freelance writers to write a 300 word page. Customers will always be sure of the price before hiring the writing, editing, or translation service. Price per word is more accurate and takes the guess work out of hiring a high quality, freelance writer, editor, or translator.

Types of Freelancers who use Price per Word

The price per word calculation is beneficial to all types of freelancers and their customers. The rate per word charged will be dependent on the type of work being done. The freelance writer applies the price per word to develop a simple way to charge customers. For every word they type, the writer is paid a specific amount. Customer can be feel confident about the price they will pay. Editing is another service where customers are charged per word. Customers can hire the editor for content editing, copy editing, or proofreading. Because each editing service differs, the cost per word will be dependent on the type of work being completed.

Translation services are in high demand. As the world becomes more globalized, more customers are seeking out the opportunities afforded by higher education. In order to be successful, they require the services of a translator. Businesses also rely on the services of translators but require a fixed price in order to budget the expense. Because customer requesting translation services come from all over the world, establishing the price per word pay structure, would make it easier to calculate cost no matter the type foreign currency being used to pay for the service.

Potential Benefits/Drawbacks

There are many benefits to applying the price per word calculation. Per-word payment methods tend to bring the highest return for the freelance writer and result in the fairest price for the customer. Freelance writing services that use the price per word calculation can provide the customer with an accurate estimation of the cost. Essay Forum is a reliable freelance writing service that charges their customers per word. They never take advantage of their customers, and the customer never has to wonder about the price. Charging by the word is the most transparent way to charge customers. This approach is more flexible and fair than charging per page or by the hour. Despite the benefits of the price per word calculation, there are a few drawbacks. For the freelance writer or translator calculating the cost to charge the customer would be relatively simple but other services it can be more difficult. When editing a paper, determining the price per word can be more complicated. Another potential drawback is the price per word approach does not take into account all the time the freelance writer spends researching the topic before they start to write. Even with the potential drawbacks, the price per word approach is the most accurate payment model for charging customers.

Freelance Writing Rates Per Word 2021


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